Música: Os Ipanemas

Por lucianohortencio

From Album Os Ipanemas - 1964
This is Os Ipanemas - Os Ipanemas (1964), for Columbia, a unique and killer set of Bossa Jazz with Afro Influences, featuring the traditional bass and drums with the addition of Astor Silva trombone, Neco's guitar and Ruben Bassini percussion. Astor Silva is probably the leader of Os Ipanemas, which is a constellation of Brazilian musicians that recorded this first and only album for Columbia. Os Ipanemas were assembled 40 years later for another recordings and different formation, but never could reach what was done in this first 1964 release.
Astor Silva : trombone
Marinho: bass
Wilson das Neves: drums
Rubens Bassini: percussion
Neco: guitar